"Sure, it's very trendy and European-just like mine or Evelyn-that's Mark's girlfriend, she loves it."

"Really?" Alan hadn't seen Mark for a long time but obviously he was still a lady's man.

"Oh, yes. Evelyn loves to play with Mark's hair and stuff. You two should meet. But since your coming to Ann to have your hair done, I guess it's only a matter of time."

Finally, Ann was finished setting Amanda's hair and he switched places with her. Once again sat watching in the mirror as the rollers were removed and the combout began.

"So, you have a lunch date?" Ann asked.

"Yes. It's an old classmate of mine," Alan explained. Soon he gave Ann the whole story of how he met Cindy walking down the street. He mentioned her comment about his hair.

"Well then, I'd better do an extra special job today, shouldn't I?" Ann teased.

"That's right," Alan laughed, "it may make or break my chances."

Ann smiled. Karen Taylor had given her some special instructions when she made her son's appointment.

Alan watched as the hairdresser combed and teased his curls. The top looked higher than the last time and his bangs were feathered across his forehead. Ann seemed to be taking an extra long time fussing with his hair in back.

"You know what would look really sharp?" She asked Alan rhetorically. Before he could respond she continued, "A ponytail,” she reached for an elastic.

"Gee, are you sure?" Alan asked uncertainly.

"Absolutely!" Ann replied. "It's really in."

She continued to fuss with his hair for a minute then she reached for a pump bottle of hairspray. Ann hesitated when she picked up the first bottle, then put it down and found a different one. She began to heavily mist his hairdo with the spray. Suddenly Alan's sense of smell was assaulted by the delicate perfume fragrance that encompassed his head.

"Boy, that stuff smells like perfume!" Alan winced.

"This? Naw, it's a new musky fragrance...very sexy!" Ann said with a wink. Alan was too meek to question her opinion so he hoped she was right. Finally, a mirror was handed to him so that he could view his hair from all angles. She even turned the chair around so that he could view the back.

Well...his hair certainly looked different from the first time. All in all it was teased up into an almost bubble-like shape on top with the back hair in a profusion of corkscrew curls. Right at the nape, Ann had pulled the hair into a short, puffy ponytail. The curliness made it almost look like a small chignon rather than a ponytail.


What could he do? He was sure that it made him look too feminine...but that was what he thought the first time and look what Cindy's comment was then! He was getting quite confused.

"It looks different from the first time," he said as he handed the mirror back to Ann.

"Of course. That was more of an everyday style. But today I wanted you to look special for your date. That's one of the beauties of a good perm. You can do so many different things with your hair. You can go from casual curls to the most formal updo. You'll see," Ann said as she removed the salon cape from the boy.

He cringed at the word "UPDO," but said, "Yeah. I guess you're right. It looks nice," he said somewhat half-heartedly forcing a smile. Alan rushed home from Ann's to get changed. He couldn't help but steal glances in the rear view mirror at his hairdo. He felt strange mixed emotions that he couldn't understand. One side of him thought he looked somewhat sissylike, while the other side was strangely excited by his changed appearance.

Near his house a car pulled up from behind him and the man inside gave him a big friendly grin. At first, Alan thought he knew him and smiled back but realized that he didn't. Very strange.

It was five before noon when he arrived at the restaurant. His white, short-sleeved cotton shirt and cream-colored slacks contrasted with his dark curls. Right on time Cindy pulled into the parking lot in her new Mustang.

"Hi! Am I late?" She said as she hurried over to Alan.

"No. Right on time," he replied as he automatically took in her beauty. Cindy was only slightly shorter than he. Her honey blonde hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of luscious curls and her trim, athletic body was very appealing encased in a stretch black minidress.

She was stunning...period! Cindy was an experienced woman and she must have sensed Alan's shyness because she immediately hooked her arm in his and led them into the building. The boy was pleasantly surprised by her forthright manner and even a little proud seeing some of the jealous looks of other men in the restaurant. Their eyes spoke their envy seeing him with such a beautiful creature holding on to him. The waiter knew Cindy, no doubt she was a regular, so they were seated promptly in a secluded booth.

"Wow. your hair is different today. It looks fabulous! I especially love the little ponytail in back," Cindy exclaimed as she gently fingered a few of his curls into place. "Why did you wait until after graduation to change the style? I wouldn't have let you get away with anyone else for the prom.


"The prom? Uh. . .I didn't go. Thanks for the compliment though," Alan said amazed at what he was hearing.

Before they could continue, the waiter came around for their order. As soon as he was gone Cindy continued with her questioning of this suddenly attractive guy.